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My Growth

I am originally not from Regina I am from a small town named Whitewood. I moved to Regina at the start of July this year. It was hard to adjust to the atmosphere of the city, but I had no choice but to get used to it because I finally got an opportunity to pursue my dream and I wasn't messing it up. I got a part time job in the summer and my first day was scary I was surrounded by people I didn't know, but as time went on every time I go to work now I feel like I'm with my second family, I still continue to work my part-time job throughout my time at university.  I still remember my first day of university I was terrified! I wasn't used to all the people and getting to and from buildings on time. Half-way through my first day I knew that the only way I'm going to get through my time here and enjoy it is to socialize with people. So that's what I did! and by the time I got home that day I had met about 6 people. I remember being so proud of myself for being Sabrina Shackleton, not oh this is my friend Sabrina Shackleton in a friend group like it was in high school. I was my own person and it was my time to spread my wings and explore what life had to offer me.


During my field experience I really noticed a change in myself I remember on the first day I was scared stop go up to the kids and introduce myself because these kids were Grade 7/8 their terrifying. As time went on I became more comfortable with the students and they became more comfortable with me. Also I have noticed that during my last day of field I put up my hand to share my answer, and in high school I would have never dared to raise my hand to share my answer or thoughts. I really came out of my shell during field experience and it may not be noticeable to other but I myself noticed the change.


I also spend an hour of my Thursday mornings with a young boy at Jack MacKenzie School. When I was offered this opportunity to volunteer I was hesitant, because I had never done anything like that before, but I knew that in doing this, it would help me in my future. So I accepted the opportunity, and yes some days weren't as good as others, but at the end of the day sometimes the bad days make you a better teacher. During this experience I learned a lot about patience and how important it is to have in becoming a teacher. In doing this volunteer work I realized that I want to gain more knowledge about kids with cognitive, and motor disabilities and how to include them in my classroom as much as possible. So I made a career change I applied to transfer to secondary education in the Winter 2019 semester majoring in Social Studies and minoring in Inclusive Education.


My overall growth within this semester has been very exciting for me! I have become apart of a workplace family. I have become more comfortable with saying "I'm a teacher not a student" then I ever have before. I have become more patient and willing to try new things. I have also come to realize that it's good to do things out of my comfort zone because it has helped me become more of who i am and who I want to be. I want to be an amazing teacher, and make a difference in children's lives and I know I can fulfill my dream because I am determined too.



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